Doktor Tablet 정보
m-건강 타블렛은, 중요한 통계를 추적, 인쇄 차트 전에 의사와 상담하십시오.
Doktor Tablet takes m-Health to a whole new level. Aimed at population over the year of 30, this health application is enabling customers to track weight, physical activity, blood pressure, medical intake. The data can be synchronized with a dedicated multilingual portal, where users can track their parameters and/or print the charts to consult with the nutritionist or a doctor. Users can check nearby medical facilities (pharmacies and hospitals) on a map and interact with them (send e-mail, navigate to). Available in English, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian language.
Tags: medicine, health, fitness, hospital, pharmacy, dentist, diabetes, blood, sugar, bolnica, apoteka, dom zdravlja, ordinacija, zubar, doktor, lekar, lek, lecenje, dijeta, vezbe, medicina, zdravlje, dijabetes, krv, secer