Droid Hw Info Free 정보
장치의 하드웨어 및 센서 확인
Droid Hw Info is a hardware information & diagnostic application for your Android devices. It tries to detect your device's hardware, your battery data and also show you the output from your device's sensors (note that some devices might not have some sensors). It will also try to estimate your battery's health status and how much charge it can hold - but take that with a pinch of salt as the estimate is not 100% accurate.
The SOC detection might not be 100% accurate; if you notice discrepancies between the actual SOC and the displayed value, take a screenshot and send it to [email protected]; I will do my best to update it.
The application requires some permissions in order to be able to read data about your device - these permissions are:
CAMERA - to read camera parameters
INTERNET - to read network related parameters
RECORD_AUDIO - to get audio levels from microphone
READ_PHONE_STATE - to read phone serial number
ACCESS_WIFI_STATE - to read WiFi parameters
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - to read GPS sensor data
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - to get the type of active network
Although it needs these permissions, this application will not collect, store or send any data anywhere, the sole purpose of these permissions are to be able to display data read from your device's sensors.
Launcher icon from https://toppng.com/computer-cpu-PNG-free-PNG-Images_32131