e-shram Labour Registration 정보
자체 및 CSC 등록, 프로필 업데이트, UAN 카드 확인
E Shram Card Registration 2022
This Application is very useful Self Registration & CSC Registration of E-Shram Card. You can Download and Apply for card.
1. Edit or correct Application after submission.
2. Apply for new Card
3. Download UAN Card
4. Update E-KYC
E-Shram Card Registration Process
★ To apply E-Shram card. First Open the app and choose self Registration Or CSC Registration.
★ Then click on submit button and you will get Registration page.
★ then you have to enter OTP of registered mobile number according to Aadhaar Card.
★ then you have to fill all details correctly according to aadhaar card.
E-Shram Card Benifits :
★ Indian Government has run so many welfare Schemes under Unorganized sector workers and lobours. Many workers are missing the opportunity to get Benifits of the scheme.
Disclaimer :
★ In these App you will find the service which is available in the following official public Domains. https://eshram.gov.in
★ The official website is loaded in these application as a webview format.
★ We are not any official partner of the government or linked with any government. We just show their website in our application as a webview format.
If you liked these application please share this application with friends and family members.
Source of information :
Information taken from : https://eshram.gov.in
★ For any copyright Infringement please contact mail : [email protected]