Egyansagar - Institute App 정보
당신의 코칭 인스티튜트를 온라인으로 가지고 시장에 도달하십시오.
Services That We Will Provide to Coaching Institute
We will provide Complete Technological Support to COACHING INSTITUTE to Give their classes in Online Mode This will Include
1- We will Develop Complete Digital Content of Coaching Institute 2- we will provide customised Software and app as per need.
3- Online Promotion and Marketing of Demo Class
4- We promote and sale online classes across Country 5- We Provide Call Centre Facility to Online students.
Students Benefits
1- Coaching Institute Can Give revision Facility of class Lecture to students.
2- Those Students who cannot take admission in offline classes , they will also be able to take admission in online classes.
3- Financial weaker section who cannot migrate to towns and access Quality education.