Endless 8 정보
Free Eli! Direct Eli out of the Endless 8 World.
Hi and welcome to the World of Endless 8.
Meet Eli, the 8, who is going to escape the matrix-like hamster wheel. The escape way is peppered with Speed Ups. Collect them but watch out, the SPEEDFORCE is strong with this one and could be dangerous.
How to play?
Endless 8 is pretty straight forward. Tap the screen and Eli will jump smoothly between the LAZERTOWERS additionally, you have to avoid the banner-ad infested ground!
Try to get as far as possible out of the Endless 8 World. The farther you get the more difficult it gets. But if you find the key out of the Endless 8 World, you will be rewarded with Nah, just find out for yourself :).
There are lots of achievements you can earn and a lots of friends you can challenge to beat your highscores.
Just don’t forget to log in to your Google Play Account.
Be smarter jump farther.
Next Upgrade:
> New Achievements!
> Eli is pursued by the police, get faster than the police but watch out cuz, LAZERTOWERS!!!
To the heart ❤
Eli the Endless ;8