English Stories with Moral 정보
도덕이 있는 1000개 이상의 영어 스토리를 위한 좋은 앱
Good App for 1000+ English Story with Moral
In this app, we gives you
Short Stories
Akbar Birbal
Moral Stories
Animal Stories
Bedtime Stories
Aladdin Stories
Tenali Raman Stories
Family Stories
1000 English Stories with Big Ideas. Stories in English to improve your vocabulary and speaking skills. Here is a large collection of Moral Stories.
short stories with moral values can be a great foundation for learning for you. Best Short Stories on Moral Values in English for all and Motivational and Inspirational Moral Story in English.
Why delay then, download the app and use it offline…
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The best short kathas kahaniyashould haunt you for days and weeks. this app contain various kathas kahaniyacategories like humor, comedy, ancient stories, folktales stories, Moral kathas kathas , Tenali Ramakrishna, Akbar Birbal kathas kathas , Aladdin (Magic Lamp), The Arabian Nights, Inspirational kathas kathas , Bedtime kathas kathas , Motivational kathas.
Public Notice / Disclaimer : This app is designed only for the education purpose only, this is not affiliated with any government agency and other parts also. so pls use it just for reading purposes only.