Evebbo - Easy Event Managing 정보
Evebbo 궁극적 이벤트 도구를 제공함으로써 사람들을 연결하는 새로운 방법입니다
Evebbo (www.evebbo.com) is an Event scheduling, organizing and managing tool that is built to help just everyone.
Below are listed the most significant features
- Free access for everyone
- Creation of private or public events on dates of your choice
- The event layout is very user friendly and highly customizable since you can use the html editor for the event description, and upload your own or use images from the Evebbo repository
- Everyone is allowed to join and post messages to the events
- The Evebbo is also a website www.evebbo.com where you can use and share the beautiful event layout and manage everything that Evebbo provides
- The registration is very simple since you have the options to login using Google, Facebook or Evebbo account
- No registration is required in order to create, join or post messages to private events
- Provides a Google map with markers of all the events around the globe with very fast response
- The Map features searching by Event category or Event date
- Events that are close to you are suggested automatically
- You can search and create your own groups of people where you can share events, send messages and much more
- Instant notifications are received whenever someone sends you a message, sends you an event invitation, or posts something to an event that you have joined
- Multilanguage support