학생 시험 점수와 결과를 각 학생에게 이메일로 저장합니다.
App allows to enter, save and display students exam records. Id, first name and last name fields are all required, at minimum, to save a record. By clicking on a row entry, of the records display list, individual exam scores can be sent to respective student. Exam title can be entered and modified, as needed. ID and marks entries are accepted as numbers only, names as alphabetical characters and email address, using any characters. Overflow menu options at top right hand corner, allow to sort exam scores. ID number is unique, for any duplicate entry. To delete a row of record, enter ID and press button for delete records. To update a record, enter ID, fill new fields, and press button for update records. For smaller screens, some ending characters in column titles and table entries, will appear truncated.