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Learning Application About Ms. Excel
Ms. Learning Application Exel This is not a Microsoft Corporation Application. This is just a Basic Excel Tutorial Application.
This application is very suitable for workers and students who are often busy with assignments and work creating data tables and data calculations.
Excel is one of the most widely used parts of Microsoft Office for data management, such as recording, storing and processing data. One of the advantages that Microsoft has is that it can be used on various systems, such as Mac OS, Android, Windows, and so on.
Microsoft Excel can be used in various industrial fields, therefore, almost all companies require their employees to learn Excel. This software has a variety of features, ranging from basic mathematical calculation operation formulas such as addition, multiplication, division and so on to very complex statistical formulas.
There are several segments/sections of material in this application, including:
Microsoft Excel Basics
⌘ Definition, Functions, History and Versions of Microsoft Excel
⌘ Introduction to Worksheets and Workbooks in MS Excel
⌘ Views and Parts of Microsoft Excel
⌘ Row, Column, Cell and Range in MS Excel
⌘ Data Types in Microsoft Excel
⌘ How to Set Thousand Number Format in Excel
⌘ How to Set Decimal Number Format (comma) in Excel
⌘ How to Change Date Format in Excel
⌘ How to Make Percents in Excel
⌘ How to Enter in Excel
⌘ How to Change Font Type, Size and Color in Excel
⌘ Introduction to Formulas and Functions in MS Excel
⌘ Various Operators in MS Excel
⌘ Relative and Absolute References in MS Excel
⌘ Selecting and Creating Ranges in MS Excel
⌘ How to Create a Table in Excel
⌘ How to Give Color to Excel Tables
⌘ How to Create Borders on Tables Manually & Automatically in Excel
⌘ How to Set Column Width & Row Height to be the Same Size in Excel
⌘ How to Merge Columns in Excel
⌘ How to Add Rows and Columns in Excel
⌘ How to Delete Columns or Rows in Excel
⌘ How to Copy Excel Formulas
⌘ How to Make Charts in Excel
⌘ How to Create a Form in Excel
Formulas and Functions section in Microsoft Excel
⌘ Excel IF Formula
⌘ Excel SUM Formula
⌘ Excel VLOOKUP Formula
⌘ HLOOKUP Formula
⌘ AVERAGE function in Excel
⌘ Standard Deviation Formula in Excel
⌘ Rank Formula
⌘ Square Root Formula in Excel
⌘ COUNTIF formula
⌘ MAX & MIN formula
⌘ Count Formula
⌘ SUMIF formula
⌘ RAND formula
⌘ DATEDIF Formula
⌘ TEXT function in Excel
⌘ CONCATENATE function in Excel
⌘ FIND & SEARCH formula
⌘ TRIM function in Excel
⌘ AND function in Excel
⌘ OR function in Excel
⌘ NOT function in Excel
⌘ CHOOSE function
⌘ LEFT & RIGHT function
⌘ MID function
⌘ UPPER & LOWER function
⌘ PROPER function
⌘ NOW function
⌘ TODAY function
⌘ ROUND, ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN Excel formulas
Advanced Excel Material
⌘ How to Calculate Age in Excel
⌘ How to Display Number 0 in Excel
⌘ How to Combine Place of Birth and Date of Birth in Excel
⌘ How to Create Powers in Excel
⌘ How to Copy Excel Sheets
⌘ How to Create an Organizational Structure in Excel
⌘ How to Create Sequential Numbers in Excel
⌘ How to Create Consecutive Dates in Excel
⌘ How to Sort Data in Excel
⌘ How to Create Filters in Excel
⌘ How to Make Freeze Panes (Headers Don't Move) in Excel
⌘ How to Remove Lines in Excel
⌘ How to Lock Formulas in Excel
⌘ How to Split Words in Excel