Jan 29, 2021 에 업데이트되었습니다
• Disassembling of Relics into particles is avaliable now. You can disassemble the Relics with the help of the Jeweler.
• Fixed issue with frozen marches and some other issues.
최신 버전의 Fate of Phoenix이(가) 기기와의 호환성 문제나 버그로 인해 문제가 발생하는 경우, 앱 개발자가 문제를 해결하기 전에 이전 버전을 다운로드하는 것이 실용적인 해결책이 될 수 있습니다. APKPure는 다양한 기기 및 Android 시스템과 호환되는 Fate of Phoenix의 모든 이전 버전을 제공합니다. Android용 Fate of Phoenix의 이전 버전을 다운로드하십시오. APKPure의 모든 다운로드는 바이러스가 없으며 필요한 앱 버전 기록을 빠르고 안전하게 얻을 수 있는 방법을 제공합니다.
Jan 29, 2021 에 업데이트되었습니다
• Disassembling of Relics into particles is avaliable now. You can disassemble the Relics with the help of the Jeweler.
• Fixed issue with frozen marches and some other issues.
Dec 28, 2020 에 업데이트되었습니다
• Disassembling of Relics into particles is avaliable now. You can disassemble the Relics with the help of the Jeweler.
• New Year's events will be announced soon, follow the gaming news!
• Some issues fixed and the game optimization implemented.
Congratulations on the upcoming holidays!
Dec 25, 2020 에 업데이트되었습니다
• Disassembling of Relics into particles is avaliable now. You can disassemble the Relics with the help of the Jeweler.
• New Year's events will be announced soon, follow the gaming news!
• Some issues fixed and the game optimization implemented.
Congratulations on the upcoming holidays!
Oct 6, 2020 에 업데이트되었습니다
• The construction of some buildings and the research of some military technologies now require pieces of relics.
• Pieces of relics, glory and experience of the hero can now be obtained in any PvP battles, even if there was no hero in the battle.
• New offer in the bank: "Relics of Glory".
• The daily bonus has been improved. Now the reward is not reset even if you skip days.
• Fixed mission 2.7. Desperate call.
• Fixed a bug with delayed update of the Alliance Halls when re-capturing.
Sep 15, 2020 에 업데이트되었습니다
• The construction of some buildings and the research of some military technologies now require pieces of relics.
• Pieces of relics, glory and experience of the hero can now be obtained in any PvP battles, even if there was no hero in the battle.
• New offer in the bank: "Relics of Glory".
• The daily bonus has been improved. Now the reward is not reset even if you skip days.
• Fixed mission 2.7. Desperate call.
• Fixed a bug with delayed update of the Alliance Halls when re-capturing.
Aug 15, 2020 에 업데이트되었습니다
• Stashes! Now when defeating the enemies in the sinister ruins you will find resources stashes. Hurry to take the loot to your storehouse until other find out about the prey! Gathering speed in the stashes in much higher then in the regular locations.
• New gems! Now you can find a new gems to improve your equipment in the sinister ruins.
• Teleports between kingdoms are available!
• Some issues fixed.
More information on our page: facebook.com/Fate-of-Phoenix-106256240806219
Jul 16, 2020 에 업데이트되었습니다
• Stashes! Now when defeating the enemies in the sinister ruins you will find resources stashes. Hurry to take the loot to your storehouse until other find out about the prey! Gathering speed in the stashes in much higher then in the regular locations.
• New gems! Now you can find a new gems to improve your equipment in the sinister ruins.
• Teleports between kingdoms are available!
• Some issues fixed.
More information on our page: facebook.com/Fate-of-Phoenix-106256240806219
Jun 28, 2020 에 업데이트되었습니다
• Stashes! Now when defeating the enemies in the sinister ruins you will find resources stashes. Hurry to take the loot to your storehouse until other find out about the prey! Gathering speed in the stashes in much higher then in the regular locations.
• New gems! Now you can find a new gems to improve your equipment in the sinister ruins.
• Some issues fixed.
More information on the update you can find on our page: facebook.com/Fate-of-Phoenix-106256240806219
May 31, 2020 에 업데이트되었습니다
• Stashes! Now when defeating the enemies in the sinister ruins you will find resources stashes. Hurry to take the loot to your storehouse until other find out about the prey! Gathering speed in the stashes in much higher then in the regular locations.
• New gems! Now you can find a new gems to improve your equipment in the sinister ruins.
• Some issues fixed.
More information on the update you can find on our page: facebook.com/Fate-of-Phoenix-106256240806219
May 15, 2020 에 업데이트되었습니다
• New level 5 troops are available now!
• New section of researches appeared in the Academy - "Military skill"! Improve your warriors’ health, strengthen their parameters during attack or defense!
• Special offers in the bank became more profitable! Do not miss the opportunity to purchase valuable goods.
• A number of bugs fixed, some campaign missions simplified.
Detailed description of the update in social networks: facebook.com/groups/FateOfPhoenix
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