당신의 다이어트에 더 많은 녹색을 얻는 방법
Dark greens are getting a lot of attention lately. These nutritious vegetables are frequently labeled as "superfoods" — and rightly so. Many dark leafy greens (like spinach, kale or collard greens) are packed with a host of beneficial nutrients, like vitamin A, C, E and K. In addition, they're high in a variety of minerals like iron, magnesium and calcium. That's not to mention all the fiber and antioxidants they contain as well![1] Greens are definitely an item you should work to include more often in your diet. Whether you're unfamiliar with these greens and are unsure of the best ways to use them or you're looking for new ways to prepare them, there are many methods and recipes to help you increase the amount of greens in your diet.