Goafest 2022 정보
AAAI가 주최하는 남아시아 최대 광고 축제 Goafest
Goafest, the biggest advertising festival in South Asia is hosted by the Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) to facilitate industry upgradation with new knowledge and insights. Now in its 15th year, Goafest offers Knowledge Seminars, Industry Conclave and Interesting Masterclasses along with exciting Award Shows featuring the best of the industry’s work.
The prestigious ABBY Awards organised by The Advertising Club are presented in the festival to showcase and toast the best in the business with a whole lot of flash and style. This year the Abbys have tied up with The One Show, one of the prestigious international award programs in advertising, design and digital marketing, thereby sharing the stage with other global and regional award platforms.