Goal Progress Tracker 정보
간단하고 사용하기 쉽고 가볍고 광고가없는 목표 추적 앱입니다.
This is a simple, easy to use, lightweight, and Ads-free goal tracker app. It helps you keep track of your current goals, how much time you plan to put in for each goal every day, how many hours you have actually put in, and also gives you statistic reports for you to evaluate your own performance.
In the report, you can see how many days you have worked on this goal, the percentage of days worked since you started this goal, how many hours you put in on average on each workday, how many hours you have put in in total, and many more!
It helps you evaluate your work ethics, helps you track how much time and effort you have put into each goal, and helps you witness how your hard work translates into success later on.
Enjoy the app and the productivity boost!