Goldilocks Comfort 정보
The Goldilocks Comfort App is here to deliver customized comfort in your office!
The Goldilocks Comfort App is here to deliver customized comfort in your office! As a beta version, the app is a simple survey tool that enables your property manager to adjust your air temperature to better meet your preference. In the very near future, property managers will be able to activate automatic features that provide a blast of cool air or blast of warm air as soon as you make a request. Additionally, the system will make slight permanent adjustments to your air temperature to better meet your preference for the long term.
What if there is a problem with my air system that can’t be solved by adjustments? No worries, with the power of Abundant’s Intelligent Building Analytics service, we know which systems are working or not, and if there is even any more cooling or heating capacity available to satisfy your preference. If there is a problem, we report details to your property manager so they can solve the issue with confidence.
Go ahead, give it a try! Discover how it works.