Grant Medical 정보
우리는 당신이 언제든지 집에서 약을 주문하는 데 도움이됩니다.
* Look for required medicine from database and add to cart for home delivery
* Take a picture of the prescription and upload for prompt delivery at your doorstep
* Refill your orders with one click only.
* View our Store’s Offers to reduce your medical bill.
* Set time reminders for your medication.
* Chat with our pharmacist for any query.
* Can add required medicines directly from database and add to cart for home delivery.
* Just send us Picture of prescription and get medicines at your door step.
* Refill your order with one click only.
* View our latest offer, Special discount to reduce your medical bill.
* Notification to each user for Offers.
* Set time reminders for your medication.
* Not only Allopathic, Ayurvedic Medicines also available.
* Ask our pharmacist for any help