Heritage Realtime
2.3 and up
Android OS
Heritage Realtime 정보
Unlocking the Sunshine Coast’s rich history, Heritage Realtime uses ground-breaking technology to connect the past and present.
Journey through time as your onscreen view of some of the Sunshine Coast’s most iconic locations is expanded through integration with images and graphics from Sunshine Coast Council’s rich heritage library using augmented reality (AR) technology.
Revealing a new way to explore the historical places and sights of the Sunshine Coast, augmented reality connects digital information with the real world.
Journey through time as your onscreen view of some of the Sunshine Coast’s most iconic locations is expanded through integration with images and graphics from Sunshine Coast Council’s rich heritage library using augmented reality (AR) technology.
Revealing a new way to explore the historical places and sights of the Sunshine Coast, augmented reality connects digital information with the real world.