hTech FR Calculator 정보
hTech FR Apps는 물고기의 수유율을 계산하기위한 수유율 계산기입니다.
What is FR Calculator
h-tech Feeding Rate Calculator Is the Apps that calculate How much food that we bring to the fish on pond exspecialy on Intensife farming like Biofloc, Through the data that we entry to this Apps wil calculate it. Just Enter The BMW (Bio Mass Weight) of your fish and how many in % Foods your gone give t the fish then the Aps Will automaticaly calculate weight of food for you.
As We know Feeding Rate is important to measure because we can calculate how many food that we must given to the fish as daily ration tomake low FCR (Feeds Convertion Rates). With FR data that reliable we can make food will ate by fish exactly amount so that it will bring the fish optimal growing. I hope this Simple Apps is usefull for you and. Thank you.