Hyundai Fleet Link 정보
현대 함대 링크는 차량의 상태를 모니터링 할 수 있습니다.
Hyundai Fleet Link analyzes your driving behavior and monitors your vehicle for any fault codes. If any problems are detected with the vehicle, it automatically sends diagnostic data to the Hyundai Fleet Link application. It also provides a convenient way to book your vehicle in for a service with your Hyundai dealer.
- Driving Information
Current Distance, Current Travel Time, Today’s Distance , Today’s Travel Time, Fuel Efficiency, Fuel Consumption, Hard Brakes, Rapid Accels.
- Tyre Pressure
Provides the tyre pressure status of the vehicle. If the tyre pressure is not within standard pressure, the number of tyre pressure will be displayed in red.
- Driving History
Checks driving history by dragging the driving information screen from the right to the left. The driving history is sorted by date. Each item consists of Departure, Arrive, Maximum speed, Average speed, Average fuel efficiency, Fuel consumption, Rapid accels, Hard braking, Distance and Travel time.
- Statistics (Speed)
Provides statistics for the vehicle's speed pattern.
- Vehicle Health Check
The user can diagnose the status of their vehicle. If a problem is detected, it provides connection to the call center.
- Vehicle Health Report
Provides Vehicle health report. It is listed in the latest date order.
- Dealer network
Provides dealer information on the map or on the list.
- myHyundai
It is linked with MyHyundai website to provide you with convenient functions for your vehicle.
- Message box
A function to receive messages from your favorite dealer or call center.
- Map
Provides your current location on the map and shows a location where you search.