Image Resize & Repeat Photo Finder 정보
Now it's easy to resize image or also repeat photos through this application
Image Resize & Repeat Photo Finder application which provide users to two options
Image Resize & Repeat Photo Finder App with you can simply change any image size from your mobile device, now no need to going anywhere to change image size into different format, sometimes it's too hard to fill image in an online form or personal Profile picture, but with this application now it possible to change your image size into different format, just install app and select your wish category to change image size and with one click it will be saved into your mobile gallery.
Image Resize & Repeat Photo Finder app also allow users to change simple image into repeat image, it looks more stylish to share on the social side with anyone, an app which has many more shapes with which your you can easily convert any image into any shape.
How to use app...?
tap on the start button
option to select an image from the mobile gallery or also with a mobile camera
apply one of your choice image colors in the image
crop image
rotate image
flip image
select your choice scale from app option
select Percentage with different size
easy to save, share or also change as PDF
it provides every image size and scale
tap on the start button
crop image
see a preview of repeat photo
change image shape with different shapes
easy to save
easy to share on the social side
MAIN FEATURES OF Image Resize & Repeat Photo Finder
_fREE to use application
_Easy to resize an image
_Change simple image into repeat image
_Nice UI design
_Saved images folder
_Option to direct share
_Instant to see the preview