단 7 분의 운동으로 모든 신체를 부스트
Just 7 min workout focused all the body's important muscle areas such as; Abdominal crunch (core), High knees/running in place (total body), Jumping jacks (total body), Lunge (lower body), Plank (core), Push-up (upper body), Push-up and rotation (upper body), Side plank (core), Squat (lower body), Step-up onto a chair (total body), Triceps dip on a chair (upper body) and Wall sit (lower body). Depending on how much time you have, you can do the 7-minute workout once, or repeat the whole series two or three times. You do each exercise for 30 seconds -- long enough to get in about 15 to 20 repetitions. In between sets, you rest for about 10 seconds.