Korwa Bible 정보
Pahadi Korwa 언어로 된 하나님의 복음 (좋은 메시지)
God speaks Korwa language! He speaks your heart language! God’s word is now available in Korwa language –27 Books of the New Testament in the Bible in Korwa Language.
Do you want to read and listen Good news? Then this is the place where you can read, listen and see what God has done for us.
Read, listen and meditate the WORD of GOD in Korwa language using our Message of Peace app. We have made this app available absolutely free for you to download and use.
The Inspirational Films Jesus based on Korwa text compiled by Faith Comes By Hearing has been integrated into the app.
The translation of the Message of Peace into Korwa language has been done by a team of experts. The team enlisted the help of native speakers. The language used has been tested in villages for intelligence. The texts of this Message of Peace have gone through a series of tests and the focus of this translation is for naturalness, accuracy and clarity. The translation is approved by local men.
We dedicate this translation to the Korwa community for the extension of the kingdom of God among this people group. We pray the people will be transformed into the image of Christ as they read and understand the Scripture. Our desire is to see the body of Christ in the Korwa community to be prepared for the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
नाःआ एप बदीरे
पहाड़ी कोड़वा भासीरे भगवानराः नपाय सरवन
भगवान पहाड़ी कोड़वा भासीय बड़राता। हाँय अननपेराः इंदरीराः भासीय बड़ाता। नुँहू भगवानराः सरवन पहाड़ी कोड़वा भासीरे इदा। बइबलराः नँवा नियमराः 27गोटोंग कागदकून नुँहू कोड़वा भासीरे ओजाःतो इदा।
अपे नपाय सरवन बछाः लगा अरू अअयूम लगापे चाहाःतना जा? दो ननानाः एपते अपे बछाव अवेनता अरूपे अयूम अवेयता अरू भगवान अबू लगा चिनचिलाय एचेकेरा हनापे ञेल अवेता।
नाःआ सलरतराः सरवन एप उपयोतगे घड़ीन अपे भगवानराः सरवन पहाड़ी कोड़वा भासीरे नपायतेपे बछाव अवेनता अरूपे अयूम अवेयता अरूपे ओंगोल बुझा अवेनता। नाःआ एप बेगर दामते अपे डउनलोड अवेयता अरू नपायतेपे उपयोतगे।
फेत कंस बइ हियरिंगते बँड़ावतो इनसपिरेसनल फिलिमराः कोड़वा भासीरे इदा हना ईसू फिलिम हों नाःआ एपरे इदा।
सलसतराः सरवनराः अनुवाद मीटोंग अनुवाद टीमते अनुवादकिया। अरू मुरुक बगरा कोड़वाकू हों नाःआ अनुवादरेकू संघरावातेडकुःआ।
भगवानराः राइज कोड़वाकू तलारे नपायते सितरावगुः लगा नाःआ अनुवाद कोड़वा समाज लगाले जिमागेतना। जमा होड़कू नाःआ सरवन बछाः घड़ीनकू बुझाः दो ईसू मसी इयाकू बदलाव जुवाः लगाले अरजीतना। नाःआते परबू ईसू मसी कुदा वेग मेला कोड़वाकू तलारे इदा अनँयगराः कलसिया सपड़ावतो दोहोन।
► Verse of the and Daily Reminder
► Verse on Image (Bible Verse Wallpaper Generator)
► Deep links in shared verses
► Embedded Jesus Films (Gospel of Luke).
► Additional Menu items
► New user interface with Navigation drawer menu.
► No additional font installation required.
► Search using predictive Devanagari keyboard.
► Adjustable font size and easy to use interface.
► Night Mode for reading during night time (Good for your eyes)
► Swipe functionality for chapter navigation.
► Share Bible verses using social media sites, E-mail, IM clients and SMS.
Compatibility: The app should run well on devices with Android versions 4.1 and higher.
Korwa Bible Text - © WIN Publication Trust 2021
Korwa Jesus Film - ℗ Published by WPT, Campus Crusade and Jesus Film Project ®