Learn to Draw Dogs: Easy Step by Step Guide. 정보
From the infancy of a puppy to the regality of an old dog, canines are a constant source of surprises and rewards.
a dog is mellow, loyal, and loving, they're like an old friend that has grown to adore you over the years. So there is nothing better to draw than a dog, "Learn to draw dogs guide" will help you to learn how to draw dogs in several different styles and breeds. Download it now and enjoy drawing time.
* It offers super easy and cool interface to learn how to draw a dog.
* Enjoy AWESOME music while you sketch a dog drawing.
* Learn how to draw a dog and Show off your and your kids talent for freehand drawing.
* Easy drawings and sketch: you don't need any special skills, just start drawing. each drawing is divided into a number of steps which are easy to follow and show you how to draw a dog step by step.
* INTERESTING: try different styles of cool easy drawings and don't forget to color it for more fun.
* Parents can use it to give easy drawings lessons and sketch lessons to their kids.
* This app teach you how to sketch step by step for an easy drawings.
* Each easy drawings are divided into a number of steps which are easy to draw, starting from a few lines, you’ll end up with a complete picture.
"Learn to draw dogs guide" contain :
How to draw a dog : Dalmata. (The Dalmatian is a breed of medium-sized dog, noted for its unique black or liver spotted coat and mainly used as a carriage dog in its early days. Its roots trace back to Croatia and its historical region of Dalmatia.)
How to draw a dog : Doberman (The Dobermann is a medium-large breed of domestic dog originally developed around 1890 by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann)
How to draw a dog : Dogo Argentino (The Dogo Argentino is a large, white, muscular dog that was developed in Argentina primarily for the purpose of big-game hunting.)
How to draw a dog : Galgo Español.(The Galgo Español is an ancient breed of dog, specifically a member of the sighthound family. some breeders did cross-breed Galgos and Greyhounds in order to produce faster and more powerful Galgos, specifically for track racing purposes.)
How to draw a dog : Golden Retriever (The Golden Retriever is a large-sized breed of dog bred as gun dogs to retrieve shot waterfowl such as ducks and upland game birds during hunting and shooting parties, and were named 'retriever' because of their ability to retrieve shot game undamaged. Golden Retrievers have an instinctive love of water, and are easy to train to basic or advanced obedience standards. )
How to draw a dog : Siberian Husky (The Siberian Husky is a medium size working dog breed that originated in north-eastern Siberia, Russia.The breed belongs to the Spitz genetic family.It is recognizable by its thickly furred double coat, erect triangular ears, and distinctive markings.)
How to draw a dog : Labrador Retriever (The Labrador Retriever, or just Labrador, is a type of retriever-gun dog.The Labrador is one of the most popular breeds of dog in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States)
How to draw a dog : German Shepherd (The German Shepherd is a relatively new breed of dog, with their origin dating to 1899. As part of the Herding Group, German Shepherds are working dogs developed originally for herding sheep. Since that time however, because of their strength, intelligence, trainability, and obedience, German Shepherds around the world are often the preferred breed for many types of work, including disability assistance, search-and-rescue, police and military roles)
How to draw a dog : Rottweiler (Rottweilers were originally dogs bred to drive cattle to market. Later they were used to pull carts for butchers. They were among the earliest police dogs and serve with honor in the military. Most important, they are popular family guardians and friends.)
How to draw a dog :Bearded Collie (The Bearded Collie, or Beardie, is a herding breed of dog once used primarily by Scottish shepherds, but now mostly a popular family companion.)