Link Adhar Card to PanCard 정보
Link your Aadhar Card With Pancard through this app.
According to Income Tax Department now you can link your Adhar Card to is compulsory to provide Aadhar and Permenant account number(PAN) details while filing tax returns.with this app you can easily and quickly link your PANcard with Aadhar card. also with using of this app you can apply for new PANcard anytime,anywere.
Adhar Card to PanCard provide all procedure and guidelines. even you lost your PANcard or Aadharcard number with this app you will find easily.
How to link your Adhar Card to PanCard
1] Link your PAN as well as Aadhar number.
2] If you lost PANcard details you quikly apply for your PAN number.
3] An applicant will fill form online and submit form.
4] Also providing guidelines and procedures.
5] You can check your pan details and status.
6] Correction give an information about online form registration processs.
* Easily link your Adhar Card to PanCard
* Alerted if PANcard details not match with Aadhar card.
* Providing guidelines and procedures.
* Apply for new pancard if you lost it.
* Provide all correction in registering form process.