Look At The Camera 정보
자녀가 음향 효과로 카메라를 보도록주의를 기울이십시오.
The ideal photo would include the children looking right into the camera, Toddlers and babies love noises and can react by turning their heads to something the source of the noise.
this application allows you to Play some attracting sound effects while your are snapping photos of your babies or toddlers.
In this was they will be more focused towards the camera phone and you can capture weird puzzled expression.
Be sure to get get their attention with the 3 sound effects that will make any baby smile! Choose your timing well to capture the priceless expressions, and the crazy giggles after your baby hear the sound, !
Feature :
-Bubble Sound
-baby laughing sound
-xylophone sound
-more soon
-All trademark(including logo, name, badges) are the property of their respective owners. Used here only to guide users.