Love Wishes live wallpaper 정보
Love Wishes live wallpaper
Love Wishes live wallpaper
Love Wishes live wallpaper new interactive free extended HD edition. FREE customization.
Interactive fixed and improved free Love Wishes live wallpaper edition version.
Application Gallery with thematic elements in general animated scenario.
A pleasant and harmonic animated Love Wishes live wallpaper application. Excellent HD graphics of all elements.
Application Replacement images were well-chosen according to theme and quality. Double touch on the screen includes menu settings - if you want this feature can be disabled. When you double-finger touch the default page opens the settings menu. This feature can be disabled.
You can change the images change mode in the appropriate section of the Setup-try any.
User may drag a background with his/her finger on a main screen - all options are shown on screen shots.
Animated objects move along set trajectories, changing their directions when interactively touched.
Filling a workspace with additional animations is also controlled on the application setting menu.
In the settings, users can remove not liked him animation with "zero" in this animation.
An additional covering frame may be enabled by the user in the settings.
Application has accompanying sounds - sounds are enabled by touching a centre of the screen.
User may disable sounds in the settings.
Love Wishes live wallpaper application. SETTING ORDER.
1. Upload interactive wallpaper on your device.
2. Settings -> programs and applications -> find and enable " Love Wishes live wallpaper "
Love Wishes live wallpaper animated wallpaper is a stylish design and simple solution.
Love Wishes live wallpaper was designed to be used not only in a portrait layout but in a landscape layout too.
E-mail us your comments about application work - this will make our work better.
Love Wishes live wallpaper application was tested and is steadily operated by the majority of popular models from major manufacturers.