MAX Cleaner - Booster, Master 정보
폰 부스터, 캐시 클리너, 정크 클리너, RAM 해제, 폰을 깨끗하게 유지
Phone Cleaner is a professional cleaning and boosting app for Android, which has functions of junk file cleaner, memory booster, CPU cooling, app manager, notification cleaner, and battery saving. Fast phone booster and smart cache cleaner Lacking space for new apps and photos? Just clean app caches and junk files, boost your phone with ONE click! Super Cleaner is a device manager and optimizes the tool that has installed more than millions of users. Just download and enjoy the best cleaning app! Fast phone cleaner! Increase the performance of your phone NOW!
⭐ Equipped with advanced mechanisms such as cache cleaner, junk cleaner, storage cleaner, memory cleaner, ads cleaner, Nox Cleaner could improve not only phone storage space but also phone performance as well.
⭐ A powerful and effective antivirus system with a scanner, virus removal, and protection helps Android users protect devices from any potential security threat or privacy vulnerability.
🔥Max Junk File Cleaner
With our powerful analytics engine, users will not only get more storage space from the cleaning process of cache, residual files, download folders, clipboard content and more; users can also delete cache data from social apps such as Line, WhatsApp or others without worrying about deleting the wrong file. One-touch & cache with junk files will be cleaned!
👿Real-Time Master Antivirus
Nox Cleaner will do the real-time Junk file scan including malware, adware, online trojans, and remove viruses with potential privacy threats, hence protect users against all the threats that can damage your phone. One tap then your phone is secured against all the potential viruses threatening your privacy!
🚀Max Memory Booster
The excessive use of memory makes your phone heavy & slow. With just one click, Nox Cleaner can free up memory & make phone lighter & faster. Nox Cleaner works smartly, hence make the experience on Android phones more comfortable.
❄️CPU Cooler Master
Nox Cleaner intelligently detects and closes battery-draining apps to reduce CPU usage hence lowering phone temperature which helps users a lot when watching videos or playing games.
🎲Game Booster Master
Boost your favorite games such as Free Fire, PUBG or others and enjoy max speed with lag-free gaming experience. Try NoxCleaner's Game Booster shortcut to get your games run faster, smoother and slay all the enemies blocking your way to the victory.
🔋Max Battery Saver
By analyzing battery usage status and helps to find battery-draining apps automatically and stop them efficiently.
📦App Manager Master
Nox Cleaner provides information on apps that are not used based on usage. You can manage and uninstall apps that are rarely used to provide more storage space that can speed up Android storage & speed at maximum.
📷Image Manager Master
Nox Cleaner can analyze photo gallery and sort them into different albums where the users can see similar photos to delete.
🔐App Locker Master
App Locker provides users with the utmost security from unwanted access to Facebook, Instagram, or even Gallery, Calls or Messages. Lock app easily & quickly with Pattern, Fingerprint, and passcode!