McKinsol SPOT 정보
개인 사용을위한 효과적인 쿠폰 앱.
As a shopper, you will be rewarded with personalized offers and deals by the retailer for coming to their stores. You don't have to search for the relevant deals online or carry flyers etc. SPOT allows you to connect with retailers on real time basis and get you relevant deals and promotions.
SPOT, a cloud based promotion app helps to identify and engage shopkeepers offering them relevant and realtime promotions and offers automatically in a set radius around the store. Shoppers will be able to see offers from retailers on release of their new products and catalogs.
How it works:
As a shopper you can download the app and enable location tracking in it. You can set up your app to allow specific categories of products which you are interested in. You can activate the push of promotion via app as well as other medium also such as text, email or social media. More you choose to connect directly with the retailers, more personalized deals you will receive! This will help save you even more!!
When you come closer to the store of a brand, which you have subscribed to, its store manager can decide and push the recommended promotions to you via app. All new promotions will be displayed in new deals folder until it is reviewed by you. Upon review deals will be shown only in active deal folder. As soon as you use them, it will be shifted from active deals to used deals folder.
You can opt-in and opt-out from various communication medium such as text, email and social media.
Have an issue with the app? Suggestions? Praises? Send us an email [email protected] feedback will help us make this the best and most effective deals app.