Meditation Music 정보
명상 음악을 통해 몸과 마음을 편안하게하십시오.
Through history of the cultures of the world, the therapeutic application of music has been really common and studied due to its spontaneous connection and effects on mind, emotions and physical body
Raga Chikitsa give some explanations about the healing properties of the Indian music as well as their effect to raise consciousness and connect with the higher self.
There’s a natural analogy between sounds and how life is constituted. One of the similarities comes from the diatonic music scale structured by 7 notes just as our physical body has 7 main glands and 7 Chakras. Because of this each one of the notes of the scale are commonly associated to each one of the Chakras; for example, the C note corresponds to the Muladhara or First Chakra, the D to the second one and so on.