MeMinder 정보
MeMinder는 할 일 목록 및 비디오 모델링 도구 말하는 사진입니다.
MeMinder is a talking pictures to-do list and video modeling tool for people who need help with reminders, sequencing and how to perform tasks at home, work, or school. Hundreds of tasks are preprogrammed with pictures and audio, making it simple to setup for the consumer.
Typical users are people with an intellectual disability, such as: Autism, survivors of a brain injury, or people with early to mid-stage dementia.
MeMinder works seamlessly with our BEAM Cloud service. This enables caregivers, parents, teachers, direct support professionals, Vocational Rehabilitation counselors, job coaches and bosses to remotely modify the tasks to be performed and to respectfully know when they were accomplished. Any picture or audio can be customized, or replaced with custom tasks or video.
Here is how people are using MeMinder:
Job coach, direct support professional or supervisor:
- Coordinate and track work crews
- Quickly and remotely re-assign tasks to different team members
- Run reports on how each employee is improving
Parents and Caregivers
- Ease in selecting age-appropriate tasks
- Ability to create custom tasks for activities of daily living
- Coordinate resources
- Communicate within the care team
Survivors of a brain injury
- Self-selecting to do list items
- Keeping a time-stamped record of what tasks were accomplished
All tasks can be organized into step-by-step instructions.
Simply switch from the consumer to the caregiver mode by tapping the gear icon in the upper right -hand corner (after pressing and holding the MeMinder icon in the upper left-hand corner until you hear the tone).
Please see our instructional videos on our YouTube channel at:
MeMinder is the result of evidence-based research from grants with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Institute on Disability, and Independent Living Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) section 8.6 that focuses on improving life in rural communities.