MilkDiary 정보
우유 - MilkDiary 일일 및 중요한 상품을 추적하는 데 도움이됩니다.
MilkDiary is a daily utility app which helps to keep track of your important commodity - milk. This app is useful for maintaining the track of milk consumed & various brands of milk consumed in a particular month over a period of last 12 months. It also generates monthly reports to track purchase, expenses, consumption. Now, you do not have to maintain a log or a diary to keep track of your milkman or units of milk delivered everyday.
The UI is very basic and interesting, on the Diary page, user can tag the milk brand based on the colors to represent various brands of milk (Maximum 4). Users can mark HIT(Tick) or MISS(Cross) on the quantity of milk consumed or delivered based on date (Max Quantity upto 10 units ranging 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3).
On the Reports page, user can select the month (last 12 months, excluding the current month) for which he/she wants to check the report. It will show the HIT and MISS count for all the respective tags (brands of milk) captured for that month.
It also contains a NET Expense Calculator which calculates the NET price of any tag's HIT or MISS count. User just have to input the price/unit and select the tag's HIT/MISS count which will result in the net price.