MySquard Partner 정보
개별 파트너가 더 많은 고객에게 다가갈 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.
Why Partner With MySquard?
Reach More Customers
With Increased need for on-demand services, more and more customers are opting for online for services to be delivered to them.
Make More Money
With the ability to run your business 24/7 with minimal overhead, you can reach more customers and put more money in your pocket.
Set your Own Hours
Make money on your schedule and choose when and where working is convenient for you.
Freedom to Work Anywhere
Opportunity is everywhere, just sign- in and start working.
Receive Customer orders Instantly.
Once approved, get online to receive nearby work orders immediately.
Cash Out Anytime
Cash out instantly anytime you want or get free weekly deposits.
Know How Much You will make
Opportunity is everywhere, just sign- in and start working.
Easy to get Started
Once approved, get online to receive nearby work orders immediately.
Download the app and start making money Now!