Nature Benefits 정보
자연의 혜택
Every day, we benefit from nature without noticing. Food, water, the air we breathe - we wouldn't exist without nature.
Nature Benefits helps you understand everything nature gives us for free - it's called ecosystem services - by simply showing them on a map. You can help us complete this map by taking pictures of plants and animals, or simply check the map to see what nature has to offer around you!
This app is designed to help you with your nature outings and planning ahead what you are going to find. Go to the map layers and find out where the closest parks, underground water reserves or protected areas are. Take pictures of animals and plants, and submit them to help us build a complete and up-to-date map, that will allow nature lovers and nature protectors better understand and care for this shared home that is our planet.
The app is a partnership between Associação Natureza Portugal and WWF (ANP|WWF), with Centro de Ecologia Aplicada Baeta Nunes (CEABN) and WorldIT.
- Find out news and existing species in Portugal
- Register what you find in nature and share it with others
- Check the map to understand what the different layers that compose ecosystem services
- Receive news from ANP|WWF