Notification History - Notification Log 정보
notifications served daily on our mobile by system and installed applications.
Have you accidentally clicked or dismissed important notification? Don't worry still you can access and see you’re saved notifications with Notification History App.
Notification History records USSD, Class 0 /Flash SMS, popped dialog, app installation, toasts and notifications. This is the only application you need to retrieve all your old notifications. With this app, you can have access to Notification History Log where you can find old notifications that you cleared recently. It is designed to bulk manage app notification messages from notification bar in an easy and fast way. It allows you to show important notifications and ignore annoying unnecessary notifications.
Notification Log : get a time line of all the notifications served on your mobile with details like app's name, key, group name, priority, package name, visibility, intent etc.
Features: -
Record notifications on status bar
Autosave notifications shown on Noti-bar.
Auto dismiss(close) USSD and Flash SMS dialog.
Keep your Noti-bar clean
Ignore notifications from specific apps
Search notifications from all apps at once
Export notification history to CSV
Custom date range in notification view
When notifications not showing: Please make sure, you have provided a Notification Access in android settings with Notification History App.
Have you accidentally clicked or dismissed important notification? Don't worry still you can access and see your saved notifications with "Notification History" app. Notification History records USSD, Class 0 /Flash SMS, popped dialog, app installation, toasts and notifications. This is the only Notification Saver Application you need to retrieve all your old notifications. With this app, you can have access to Recent Notification History Log where you can find old notifications that you cleared recently. It is designed to bulk manage app notification messages from notification bar in an easy and fast way. It allows you to Save All Notification show and ignore annoying unnecessary notifications.
Once you install this Notisaver App, it will start generating the notification log and you can literally view the notification history anytime.
This Notification Saver app works on almost all Android smartphone and tablets running on Kit Kat or higher. The best thing about the app is Advanced History feature where you will get full control over your past notifications.
Permissions required :
- Notification access permission for accessing notifications served.
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