Ocean Cliff HD Live Wallpaper 정보
안드로이드 폰을위한 오션 클리프 HD 라이브 배경 화면!
Ocean is so relaxing and calming! It`s one of the best thing in the world! Natures` best creation! Watch a giant blue Ocean Live Wallpaper ocean waves flowing its big ocean waves on a rocky beach, amazing blue waves flowing back and forth right on your screen with blue sky at horizon. Ocean Cliffs with magic force of waves crashing on rocks! Wach them on your screen every time you open your phone and inspire yourself to love nature even more!
This application can help your device with your style. Check out our new APP! It's easy to use and cool! With touching of screen you can make ripple effect. You can relax with it. This application can make your screen phone more beautifull and original. Decorate your screen with HD wallpaper and some beautifull water ripples effect. It's free, lightweight and don't need a lot of battery. Grab it and use some abstract, kawaii or just great wallpaper. Also don`t forget that you can choose your personal images to put on screen and use cool ripple effect with your photos!
This images used only in aesthetic aims.No copiright infringement is intended, and ane request to remove one of the images will be honored!This application doesn't provide unbeateble security as stock phone lock screen. IT'S FOR STYLIZATION ONLY! Give all the permission for our lockscreen in order to it work properly!