Oisseaux Des Canaries Roller Mp3 정보
The Roller Canary Oisseaux Mp3
Oisseaux Des Canaries Roller Mp3 Oisseaux Des Canaries Roller Mp3 Oisseaux Des Canaries Roller Mp3
Le Canari est la forme domestiquée du Serin des Canaries (Serinus canaria). La sélection de ces oiseaux au sein des élevages a permis de créer de nombreuses races et variétés en privilégiant trois aspects : le chant, la couleur ou la posture.
fiture :
- Set bird songs as ringtone, alarm or notification by long pressing on bird images.
- Bird sounds for your entertainment and helps you relax after an hard day!
- Bird sounds is the perfect app to have a good time with your children and friends.
- You can use bird songs as flash cards for babies to teach them bird names and sounds.
- Soothing music and sleep sounds for babies
- Relaxation ringtones and nature music
- Absolutely relaxing for toddlers and kids
Bird Sounds has two modes:
- LIst all birds on the screen and listen you wish. Long press on selected bird to set as ringtone, alarm or notification.
- One bird on the screen with its big image and its name. Long press on image to set as ringtone, alarm or notification.
tags : best aplication birds