SSC Oneliner GK in Hindi 정보
힌디어의 SSC Oneliner GK에는 힌디어로 된 15000개 이상의 일반 지식 질문이 포함되어 있습니다.
SSC Oneliner GK in Hindi contains more than 15000+ general knowledge questions in Hindi language those are most important for all the examinations of SSC, Railway, Teaching Examinations, KVS, NVS, Super TET Examinations, Police contains and Sub inspector examinations, UP Lekhpal, UPSSSC and other one day or competitive examinations. The questions are taken from the previous examinations and made with the latest syllabus of above examinations. So all the questions are most important at viewpoint of exam. Read these questions in your own Hindi language. These are available in oneliner strategy so reading of these questions made easy to learn.
The Questions from all those subjects have been included in this SSC Oneliner GK app, which are very useful for any competitive exam. These questions have been designed according to the one-liner strategy, so that you do not face any kind of difficulty in reading and can be remembered easily.
Subjects Included in SSC Oneliner GK
All those subjects were included in SSC Oneliner GK app those are useful from the point of view of any competitive exam such as...
⦁ 1. History (प्राचीन इतिहास‚ मध्यकालीन इतिहास‚ आधुनिक इतिहास और विश्व का इतिहास)
⦁ 2. Indian Polity (संविधान की प्रकृति एवं श्रोत‚ संविधान की प्रस्तावना‚ भाग एवं अनुसूचियां‚ संघ एवं राज्य क्षेत्र‚ नागरिकता‚ मूल-अधिकार एवं कर्तव्य‚ नीति-निदेशक तत्व व अन्य महत्वपूर्ण Topics)
⦁ 3. Geography (भारत का भूगोल एवं विश्व का भूगोल टॉपिक वाईज)
⦁ 4. Economics (अर्थशास्त्र का परिचय‚ मांग एवं आपूर्ति‚ उपभोक्ता व्यवहार‚ उत्पादन‚ लागत‚ बाजार‚ मुद्रास्फीति‚ राष्ट्रीय आय एवं अन्य महत्वपूर्ण टॉपिक)
⦁ 5. Science (सामान्य विज्ञान‚ भौतिक विज्ञान‚ वनस्पति विज्ञान‚ रसायन विज्ञान‚ जीव विज्ञान)
⦁ 6. Science and Information Technology(विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी)
⦁ 7. Sports (खेल जगत)
⦁ 8. Important Persons and their works (महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्तित्व)
⦁ 9. Books and their writes (पुस्तकें एवं उनके लेखक)
⦁ 10. Computer Knowledge (कम्प्यूटर ज्ञान)
⦁ 11. Awards (पुरस्कार एवं उपलब्धियां)
⦁ 12. Organizations and Institutions (संगठन एवं संस्थाएं)
⦁ 13. international events (अंतरराष्ट्रीय घटनाक्रम)
⦁ 14. Important Dates (महत्वपूर्ण दिवस)
⦁ 15. Indian Culture (भारतीय संस्कृति)
⦁ 16. Current Affairs Daily Updates (डेली करेंट अफेयर्स अपडेट)
These subjects are most important for every competitive examinations. All the questions available in SSC Oneliner GK app are taken from the previous examinations of SSC, Railway, Super-TET, NVS, KVS and other one day examinations. After reading all the questions those are available in SSC Oneliner GK app you will be able to make new rank in your upcoming exams.
Features of SSC Oneliner GK
⦁ Categorized Subjects.
⦁ Topics wise questions.
⦁ Swipe and go to the next topic feature.
⦁ Oneliner Questions with the answer.
⦁ Easy to learn questions.
⦁ Clean and clear home page with all the subjects in one place.
⦁ All subjects have multiple topics and easy to reach any topics just swipe and go.