Perfect health Premium 정보
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Looking for the most inexpensive and convenient way to be healthy? Here's the answer! PERFECT HEALTH. This book answers your current needs
This book “Perfect health “discusses how to achieve optimal health according to Science and Spiritual Master as the content below:
Chapter I: Definition of healthy: 1. Healthy according to Science, 2 Healthy according to Spiritual Master
Chapter II: The Law of the Universe-related to health: 1. Law of Creation, Evolution and Time, 2. the Law of Resonance
Chapter III: Sex and health: 1. Energy, 2. Energy ecology, 3. Health and awareness, 4.Sex, awareness, health, 5. Barriers to healthy, 6.Techniques to improve health
Chapter IV: Exercise: 1.Autosuggestion 2. Awareness, breath, eyes, sex exercise