Pin-up Girl Watch Face 정보
이 스마트 시계에 대한 특별한 시계 얼굴
This watch face has no hands. The pretty pin-up-style-girl will show you time with her legs.
- Three variants of the ambient mode.
- Numeric date indicator.
- The compass.
- Watch battery and phone battery indicators.
- Local weather indicator.
- And of course the pretty girl in the middle of the watch face.
All the indicators are costumisable through the settings.
This watch face is an ideal choice if you prefer a light watch face.
Please wait a couple minutes after installation to allow the watch face be transfered to the watch via Bluetooth.
IMPORTANT: You may have to start the app installed on your smartphone to enable the phone battery level measurement and weather service.
Tip: To configure the watchface you have to press the small gear under the watchface preview screen on your smartwatch. Also you can configure the watch face with the companion app on the phone (press a small gear in the center of the watch face's preview image).
The internet access permission is needed only for getting the weather information from