Point Locate 정보
Point Locate는 탐색 기반 앱으로 목적지를 탐색하고 탐색합니다.
Point Locate makes life simple as you can use this app to find your best route while travelling. Point Locate uses mapbox api, thus updating you with real-time data represented from a mapbox api. Mapbox will provide you with a clear and accurute map. View your nearest landmarks and get your desired location by either searching or clicking on the map. The app can be customized to the users preferences by means of using the settings page.
Personalise app by setting map style, landmark type, user name and selecting unit choice of measurement(metric or imperial). Point locate ensures that user interface is simple and easy to use. We try and limit the complexity of mapbox data to try and display it in a simple but effective form.
-Create settings page to personalise
-User can change settings from metric to imperial and vice versa
-User can change mapstyle and landmark type
-Search for a destined location
-Click on the map to get a destined location.
-View drawn route on map and view message pop up for the routing information
-Add a destined location to favourite list
-Refresh map
-Start navigation of map to get the route directions
-Share routing information