Ludo /ˈluːdoʊ/, /ˈljuː-/ (from Latin ludo, "I play") ladoo is a strategy board game for two to four[a] players, in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to the rolls of a single die. Like other cross and circle games, Ludo is derived from the Indian game Pachisi, but simpler. The game and its variations are popular in many countries and under various names.
Ludo king played in the Indian continent features a safe square in each quadrant, normally the fourth square from the top in the rightmost column. These squares are usually marked with a star. In India Ludo is often played with two dice, and rolling 1 on a die also allows a token to enter active play. Thus if a player rolls a 1 and a 6, they may get a token out and move it six steps ludo parchisi
you can play this game whit loud family is happy game like ledo star
1. How to increase your winning rate
2. How to get a Six when you want
3. How to move your tokens to stops
4. How to get free coins
5. How to get gems
6. uses how to play ludo board game
7. more poin to win pachislo
This game uvo guide is intended only to assist people playing this excellent game ledo. All characters, locations, images and content are copyright of their respective owners and usage for this game guide falls within fair use guidelines. This guide is intended only for players’ enjoyment and exploration of the game.This guide was made by Fan of the parchis board game