Prophet Prince Kobbies Radio 정보
Official Online Radio From ETERNAL LIBERTY MINISTRY(ELIM), Kumasi - Ghana
Prophet Prince Kobbies Radio is an official online radio broadcast from ETERNAL LIBERTY MINISTRY (ELIM). ELIM is founded and led by Prophet Prince Kobbies, the end-time evangelical prophet who speaks the mind of God, all with the aim of spreading the True Gospel of God and leading humanity to Divine and Glorious Eternity.
Every Christian needs Prophet Prince Kobbies Radio app in these end times. Get all the audio broadcasts with messages of salvation and deliverance right on your phone, anytime and anywhere in the world by Prophet Prince Kobbies.
Get all the live programs from ETERNAL LIBERTY MINISTRY right on your phone in Ghanaian language, watch videos and read posts from our various social media channels.
Contact us for further information/enquiries (more info. in the app) from ETERNAL LIBERTY MINISTRY.
Download the app and enjoy unlimited broadcast of powerful word of God. Enjoy full benefits of this application for free.