QR code generator 정보
똑똑하고 간단한 QR 코드 스캐너 및 바코드 판독기. 지금 QR 코드 및 바코드 스캔!
AvanoReader- QR Code & Barcode Scanner, a powerful QR reader & Barcode Scanner that supports all kinds of major barcode formats. Try it and you will find scanning has never been more convenient like that.
AvanoReader is extremely easy to use: simply point to QR or barcode you want to scan and app will automatically detect and scan it. No need to press any buttons, scan in just 1 second.
【Main Features】-
All in one: Scan QR codes and barcodes (all 1D & 2D code types) to get Links, Text, Contact info. etc. all the formats code can be scanned by one-touch.
-Smart & Fast: Multiple options for your QR scan result. Reading, opening, sharing and so on, just in your touch.
(all result types supported: URLs, Text, ISBN, Email, Contact, Calendar, Geo, Phone number, SMS, WIFI connection)
【How to use AvanoReader】
1.To scan QR code or barcode, you can simply open the app, point the camera at the code and the scanner will automatically recognize it
2.For different types of scanned result, there are varies options for you to choose. e.g. reading the text, sharing the link, dialing the phone number, sending e-mail, getting contact info. on your list and connecting WIFI etc.
3. This APP Includes but not limited to the following features:Tag reader, business card scanner, book scanner, store locator, food scanner, price scanner.
QR Scan & Generate made easy.
AvanoReader, scanning has never been easier.
But we made it easy.