이 응용 프로그램은 철도 그룹 D 시험을 기반으로합니다.
This app is based on the Railway Group D exam . From this App you can prepare your exam officially . All the questions and answer are very important for your exam . All the question are latest and very important and have many chances of question to come in exam . This is the Railway Group D Official App . So, if you wanna pass out the exam then It help you very much . All the questions and answer are very important . In this App, We define you all about the exam i.e how the question paper style , how much syllabus come, physical efficency test for both man and woman . In this App we declared all the information about exam that helps you very much to pass out the exam . As we discuss all about the exams paper style, physical and beside this there are the categories of the subjects that are inside the syllabus . All the questions are very very latest and important . These also help you in the preparation of another exam also . So, Once again if you wanna do the best then revise all the questions whenever they are not fit into your mind.