Ringtone King Free 정보
Ringtone King
Ringtone King
Ringtone King - Free Music & Audio app for your Android. Are you bored with the ringtones you have on your android phone? If you are, the solution for your problem is Ringtone King™ app! Do not hesitate a minute longer and get these melodies immediately!
If you are looking for some funny ringtones you are then on the right place, because this best app can give you everything you need and more. Once you download android ringtones, you will be listening to these fantastic sounds for hours and you won’t be able to stop! You will most definitely love your new ringtones for mobile so much that you won’t even answer to your calls so that you can listen to these melodies as long as possible. You can set these top ringtones as your incoming-call sound, SMS ringtone, or alarm sound – with Ringtone King™ app options go beyond the limit!
Now you have the opportunity to show off to your friends that you have the best ringtones ever! So, better late than never!
App Features:
- Set as ringtone for android / contact ringtone / alarm sound / sms sound
- Set timer to play the sound
- Set widget button of favorite sounds on your phone home screen
1. "Set as Alarm" command will not affect existing alarms, only the new ones you create. You can delete existing alarm and create new one.
2. To set widget: Long click on your home screen > Add widget > Choose "Ringtone King™" from the list > Pick a sound.
I will saya you Have a great day our dear friends. Get this app today 100% free ! Don't forget to rate us ad share to your friends if you like this app! Install now Ringtone King.