Sahyog India 정보
Sahyog 인도는 다양한 프로그램을 통해 사람을 돕는을 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
Sahyog India is an organization working for helping people through different programs. We are a non-denominational, non-political organization and it has been working in India focusing on blood donation, Gau - Seva, child education and especially empowerment of women and girls for their basic education so that they can stand themselves.
We believe that we all need to come together to control & stop violence against Women and Children in India will be the most important step. As we know if women equipped with the proper resources, they can help their whole families and entire communities to overcome poverty, marginalization and social injustice.
We do this through well-planned Techie girls and comprehensive programs in our different kind of visions like Basic education, Protection, Proper health care, Healthy environment for their better livelihoods.
We want to see our Country in Top of the world where every needy person gets help, someone suffering from medical emergency can get blood, a child gets an education, every youth an opportunity to succeed, and every woman the right to equality.
It is our constant Endeavour to reach out needy children and not only to provide them with a loving home but also good quality education that enables them to become educate & contributing members of the society.
We always dream a society based on legitimate rights, equity, justice, honesty, social sensitivity and a culture of service in which all are self-reliant.