Scientific Calculator 정보
진정한 과학적인 계산기 모드를 변경하지 않고, 모든 계산을 수행
A true Scientific Calculator
Perform all calculations without changing the mode
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Some functionality:
- Add Subtract Multiply Divide
- Complex Number arithmetic with arg, Abs, Conjg
- Square root, Cube root, n-th root, square, cube, exponent
- Reciprocal, Factorial, Permutation, Combination
- Log, Natural Log, E, e
- Bin Hex Oct Dec
- Trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan)
- Hyperbolic functions (sinh, cosh, tanh)
- Inverse Trigonometric functions (asin, acos, atan)
- Inverse hyperbolic functions (asinh, acosh, atanh)
- Mixed fraction / Fraction / Decimal formats
- Sexagesimal (Degree-Minute-Second) and Engineering format
- Store and Recall 9 variables, with M+ and
- Enter number as Tera, Giga, Mega, kilo, milli, micro, nano, pico, femto
- Random number
- Constants (More constants coming soon)
- Degree / Radian / Gradient
- Normal / Fix / Scientific format with adjustable precission