ShopsListing - Build Your Store's Online Presence. 정보
상점의 제품을 추적하고 고객에게 재고를 알립니다.
A 100% FREE app that helps you keep track of your shop's inventory and creates your online presence at the same time. Changes you make on the app, immediately get updated in the online database.
For example, if a customer searches for an item on the website ( and if your shop has that particular item in stock, your shop's details (that you will fill in the registration form) will be shown to the customers.
What the app does:
• Helps you manage your shop's inventory with ease
• Creates your shop's online presence
• Service is 100% Free, Safe and Secure
How this app helps you and your shop:
• Increases sales
• Larger audience
• Gives an online presence to your shop
• Minimizes loss of faith
• Accessibility
• Creates trust
• You don't need to buy a computer for managing inventory
• You don't need to spend a fortune on buying expensive inventory management software
It is extremely necessary and important nowadays for both shopkeepers and customers to know where the customer can get a particular item before going out.