Simply Todo List 정보
단순히 도도 응용 프로그램은 매우 간단한 할 일 목록입니다.
Tired of wasting time having to learn the features of your to do list application? The interface is too complex? Use the Simply Todo List. The only thing simpler would likely be plain old paper. During the design stage of I understood:
"Design is not about finding the ideal solution; it's about finding the ideal compromise".
Clean and smart design of the app keeps you focused on your goals for the day. My aim was to create application as simple as possible but no simpler.
Application is based on this simple idea I found on internet researching todo lists and why people often abandon them, and idea is as follows:
“The most interesting idea about Todo lists I've came across was from a former boss who always had one on his desk. Years after we worked together, I asked him how he kept track of what was done or not.
He told me he threw the list away every day. The idea was to focus on what was important to get done that day… keeping an exhaustive list of tasks meant the big things are never tackled.”
Become most successful person because this idea is brilliant in it's simplicity and it just works. Don't miss your chance. Be active. Be productive.
In Simply Todo application, todo list is deleted every day and you plan what needs to be done every morning, if you know something from the list might not be possible to do today just move it to the "SOME TIME" list which is there so that you don't loose important todo item but it's up to you whether you keep it or not.
To use application.
1.Click on a button to create todo task.
2.Long press task to move it to “SOME TIME” list.
3.Click on todo task to mark it “done”.
4.Only tasks marked as “done” could be deleted.
5.Long press task to delete.
6.Do not forget to set reminder when creating task.
7.Click on reminder to snooze task or delete.
Many of Todo applications are very simple and elegant and user-friendly, but even so, what always happens is that I use it for a while, eagerly typing in everything I need to do, but then just stop using it after maybe a week or two, sometime less, usually because it's just too much of a hassle to have to prioritise and categorise these tasks. This is probably main reason why I abandoned all those todo apps I installed so far.
While I'd like for them to be organised nicely, I don't want to deal with having to come up with categories not to speak of having to do the categorising tasks themselves. So in Simply To do application there are no categories or different priorities for the tasks, reminder could be set or not, when task done just mark it as such.
"Read this description carefully, this is not just application but a method where you create fresh list every day and start with a clean slate. Simpy Todo is for the people who love simplicity and minimalism."
☆No ads.
☆No frills.
☆No confusing details.
☆Clean simple and fast.
☆Your data is stored locally.
☆Notification with sound and/or vibration.
☆Does not require any permission.
☆Does not require an account.
★★ Tasks from ”TO DO” list will be deleted every day AUTOMATICALLY ★★