SMSForward Send Customized Group SMS No Ads 정보
Create SMS Groups for Family, Friends and Work and Send SMS to Any or All them
SMSForward works with Airtel, Reliance or BSNL Bundle SMS Plans.
Install SMSForward App on a Smartphone with bundle SMS Package.
Now users can sent SMS to a Group by sending a Message with Group Name and Group Message to the Smartphone installed with SMSForward App.
E.g: Message containing : "Friends=We meet at Plaza Mall at 8pm for Avengers Movie" sent to Phone Number with SMSForward Installed on it,
will send each member of the "Friends" SMS Group the Message "We meet at Plaza Mall at 8pm for Avengers Movie"
This App is really helpful for the following Scenarios:
1. Want to send Meeting reminders to all your employees?
Put aside an old Smartphone and Intall SMSForward and Create your SMS Groups.
Now users can use their Smartphone or Button Phones and send an SMS with the message containing the
SMS Group and the Group Message and send it to old Smartphone Installed with SMSForward.
E.g: Message contains : "Colleagues=Hi guys we need to get together for thanks giving." can be sent to the Phone Number with SMSForward installed on it.
This Smartphone with SMSFoward installed, on receiving the SMS will for the Group Message to all the Members of the SMS Group.
You Can create upto 3 SMS Groups.
2. Want to have a family SMS Chat session?
Let one member of the family purchase a Bundle SMS Plan.
Install SMSForward App on the Smartphone with Bundle SMS Plan.
Now family members including the user with Bundle SMS Plan can send SMSes to all the family members,
this is done by sending a message with Group Name and Group Message to user number with SMSFoward Installed.
E.g: Message contains: "Family=Hi guys we need to get togther for thanks giving." can be sent to the Phone Number with SMSForward installed on it
3. Your smartphone screen can be locked and still your SMSFoward App will forward SMS to all your Group Members.
Setting up your Smartphone and your Website to use SMSForward App:
1. Install on SMSForward App on the Smartphone with Bundle SMS Plan purchase and it's Phone is say e.g: 9999888777
2. Update all the 3 Group Fields with Family, Friends and Colleagues Phone Numbers as shown in above Pictures.
4. Now say you want to send all the Members of "Colleagues" Group with a Message "Hi, lets meet for team lunch at 8pm",
just create a message with "Colleagues=Hi, lets meet for team lunch at 8pm" and send the SMS to Phone number: 9999888777 (this is the phone installed with SMSForward).
Works On: Samsung S3, Samsung J7 Prime, Micromax Canvas Nitro2