SnapWeatherUS - (Weather, Radar, Alerts) 정보
하와이와 알래스카를 포함한 미국의 날씨, 경보 및 레이더!
Weather can happen in a Snap.
Get weather information when you need it for free, without ads, and have complete privacy with peace of mind. The application only needs your location to get you alerts and weather for where you currently are.
Created by: William Ruckman
Get current weather, extended weather, radar, and timely alerts with detailed descriptions..
All weather data is supplied by NOAA and NWS at via their third party APIs.
This application is not endorsed by NOAA, NWS, the provider, or their products and services.
Here is a list of features for SnapWeatherUS!
☆ United States only (Including Alaska, Hawaii, and territories)
☆ Current weather from nearest station to your location
☆ One week day and night extended forecast
☆ Customizable weather alerts with the ability to set desired levels (Extreme, Severe, Moderate, Minor, Unknown)
☆ Get alerts even if the application isn't open
☆ Detailed information on weather alerts
☆ Heat and Cold Warnings
✓ Blue - Feels like temperature below 0°F
✓ Yellow - Feels like temperature from 90-94°F
✓ Orange - Feels like temperature from 95-99°F
✓ Red - Feels like temperature above 100°F
☆ Current and animated radar
☆ Customizable radar layers
☆ Real wind direction indicator
☆ Weather data is time stamped of last update and the Status indicates if any errors occur downloading from API
☆ Background battery and data usage is optimized for best performance using google recommended standards (Android Developers - Optimized for battery life)
☆ API and data from